Sunday, June 10, 2012

Are you prepared??


Sitting out on my deck watching the kids across the street play volleyball and enjoy the evening mountain breeze I set out to so some fine tune editing of the first chapter in my Teen Grief Handbook. I worked diligently on it for many hours and made a lot of progress. Watching the sky turn he fluffy white clouds transparent hues of pinks and oranges while the sun bit me good bye I felt satisfied with the amount I had accomplished.  I gathered up my laptop and glass of tea then headed inside in need of some distraction to quiet my mind.

 I watched a bit of TV and checked my Facebook. It was then that the destructive thoughts began to enter my mind, “Who do you think will ever publish that handbook?” “No one knows who you are, first time authors rarely get published on the first go around.” I was bombarded with bullet after bullet shooting holes in my passion.  All I want to do is help teens to grieve in a healthier way so they can move forward and live well knowing Christ is the light in their darkness. All I have is my passion and now I was feeling it being attacked.

I was up for hours allowing this attack to continue, why I do not know. I was blind to what was truly happening. My enemy, those spiritual forces that battle against us was doing his best to discourage me enough for my writing to stop. I finally was able to coax my mind to sleep. When I rolled out of bed in the morning God not only opened my eyes to the daylight outside but he also opened the eyes of my heart to see what had happened only 8 hours earlier. I felt so foolish, how could I be so blind, so accepting of the lies? I thought I was prepared for such an attack. I found that by being tired I had allowed my armor to slip and some of those flaming arrows to find their way to the soft spot of my passion.

This was an excellent education that revealed to me some of my weak areas.  In response to this education I have sought out more earnestly how God sees me. I refreshed my mind with verses that gave me a clear view of where God is leading me. I put my eyes directly on Jesus and the goal he has set before me, I press on.

As we prepare for the She Speaks conference whether for the speaker or writers track keep in mind that we have an enemy who does not want us to even attend. His focus is to defeat us even before we start. Learn from my mistake and do not let your armor slip. BE prepared, BE aware of his schemes, BE armed solidly with the armor of God and full knowledge of who we are in Christ. We are daughters of the king whom He delights in. You are dearly loved!!



  1. Cari:

    I am so glad that you figured out a way to get your blog up. Teenagers need lots of love and those grieving are in such a delicate place. Thanks for being obedient to God's calling for you.

  2. Cari -
    Very inspirational writings! I will continue to visit.
