Thursday, August 23, 2012

Grieve Well, Live Well - Series - Week 3


Ok, I will admit this right up front. This week has been very hard to write and I have started it three times. Each time I approach this week’s grief subject from another angle and it still feels more like I am writing a text book than a blog. BLAH!! Grief has so many facets it is hard to pin down and cover only one. Feelings bounce up and down leaving us feeling more like a punching bag or a ping pong ball, up and down, back and forth; never stopping then leaving us just plain beat up.

Our culture teaches us to bury our feelings with busyness and preoccupation. There are times when burying it seems like the easy way to deal with our grief. Galatians 6:7 us about burying seeds, it goes something like this:

“you reap what you sow”

 Hummm so if I sow grief, by burying it, what will I reap?? I have seen this harvest, it is anger, depression, self-medicating with drugs or alcohol just to name a few. I do not want my grief to haunt me years from now. God has given us a different way of dealing with grief.  Psalms 126:5 gives us a better way to heal.

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.”

 Sow with tears! This is contrary to our culture telling us to burying the pain. When Jesus learned of his cousin’s beheading (John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod) there were people swarming to him. He tried to get away and rest by getting into the boat and traveling across the lake. (Mark 6:12) They still found him and hemmed him in as soon as he stepped ashore. He was kept busy until late into the night. He fed them then immediately ordered the disciples to get into the boat and sent them away. Jesus then dismissed the people and went away to the mountain to pray. (Mark 6:46) He needed time to grieve, to review the loss and hang out in the sad place. We do not know what exactly he did during that time for the next time the disciples saw him he was walking on water. I don’t know about you but when I spend time in my grief with God he meets me there and I walk away with a fresh perspective. It looks like Jesus did the same after spending time with His Father.

So what can we learn from this? Review the loss. Hang out in the sad place letting the pain settle into the soul. Reflection and review is needed to help the brain to adjust to the new reality. This takes time and doesn’t happen just once. This week was one of those times of review and reflection, hanging out in the sad places. Even after six years there are moments where I just flat miss my children and feel the hole their deaths have left in my heart. The further away from my loss the longer it is between these times and the shorter the sad times last. I have found it healthy and healing to stop and just “hang out” when the sad times come.

For the helpers: Please do not rush a person who is grieving. You may want your old friend back. Please realize they have a new reality to adjust to and grief does not have a time table. Be patient, be present, be accepting.

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